‘Nightmare in paradise’, recorded and with a “good behavior” clause for fear of another GH case

Telecinco is not for more problems. He has enough with the drop in audience as a result of such a radical and unsupportive treatment of the documentary by Rocio Carrasco as to complicate life with more setbacks. The realities are being a bit of his lifeline. survivors has cushioned the fall in the figures of the share and now they are going to cling to nightmare in paradisethe new celebrity reality show (although no one knows half of the contestants).

They bring in young, beautiful people with their hormones at their peak and they organize parties where they are given mysterious water to brighten their lives. On top of that, it adds that they will live in extreme conditions and unpleasant situations that can cause a lot of tension between the contestants. Come on, moments that could cause inappropriate, inadmissible and intolerable situations. And that is well known by experience those responsible for the reality shows of Mediaset. They do not want episodes of physical or verbal violence to occur again, as has happened in previous years or, worse still, another ‘Carlota case’, events that are currently under judicial process for the alleged sexual abuse that occurred in big brother 2017.

Also read: The secret date of Carlos Lozano and Mónica Hoyos before she locked herself in A Nightmare in Paradise

It is because of that nightmare in paradise will be recorded. They want to have total and absolute control of what is broadcast. No surprises. This time it will not be broadcast on streaming through Mitele, Mediaset’s digital platform. The only thing that will be seen live from inside the farm will be the galas, where everything is more organized and controlled and it is unfeasible for those situations to occur that they want to prevent from reaching the audience.

But not only that. As you have been able to find out Informaliathe contestants have had to sign a “good behavior clause” by which they agree not to attack or disrespect other contestants. In this way they do not assume responsibility directly in case of problems and they keep the right of immediate expulsion in case of breaching the clause.

The case of Carlota Pardo, which occurred in 2017, sank a format like Big Brother, which gave so many joys to Vasile’s chain. Only in its premiere, in 2000, did it exceed 36% of the audience and in its successive editions, up to 18, it was also a success. A goose that lays the golden eggs that fed the Mediaset grill and that, overnight, disappeared after Carlota Prado’s complaint for an alleged crime of sexual abuse that occurred in the Guadalix house and recorded, which is still to be judged .

The accused, one of his companions and at that time Carlota’s boyfriend, José María López Pérez, faces, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, a sentence of two years and six months in prison and compensation of 6,000 euros for moral damages caused to the victim, the same amount claimed from the producer of the program, Zeppelin, for the damages caused as a result of the exhibition of the recorded images to the victim. The trial will be held next October.
