Nieves Herrero launches her book on Tita Cervera: the anger that has turned the authorized biography into a novel

snow blacksmith release this thursday the baroness (Editions B), a work elaborated on the basis of three years of conversations between the writer and Tita Thyssen in the Moral. “I am preparing my own biography. I am writing it myself because that way it will resemble my way of thinking and being. I have always liked writing.”

with these words carmen cervera knocked down two months ago in statements to Public mirror the biography that Nieves Herrero has been basting together for Ediciones B (Penguin Random House) for more than three years. It confirmed what we had advanced days ago from this portal. Tita Cervera’s vital swerve has pushed Nieves Herrero to turn the biography of the baroness into a novel based on true events. That is, without authorization or quotes.

This mammoth work could have triumphed and swept sales in bookstores if it had been launched when scheduled, on April 23, Sant Jordi, the preamble to literary May and the exact date of Tita’s 80th birthday, which she refused to return in time. the texts that Nieves Herrero had sent him so that he could make the corrections and return them for immediate publication. It could not be. Tita rebelled and Nieves has been pushed to turn an authorized biography into a novel based on true events.

80th birthday

Nieves Herrero acknowledges that after three years of work, the story of Cervera’s life was progressing before her eyes “until one day”, that same April 23, “Tita commented in a television interview that she herself was going to be the author of his biography”. The journalist noted that Tita “cancelled” her joint work for three years. “We all found out at the same time: the viewers, the publisher and I,” said Nieves. But she believes that finally some legal issues have invited the Baroness to give up: “Tita wanted to remember, but I think that lawyers have had and have too preferential a place in her life.”

aborted books

Tita Cervera defended Ana Obregón a few days ago in The vanguard after distancing herself from Herrero, suffering from the umpteenth swerve of the baroness The art gallery owner did not previously tremble to abort a biography of her life signed by David Litchfiled or an order of José Luis de Vilallonga to commemorate the adventures of the baron.

Herrero has had to remove the quotes from Cervera and turn those paragraphs into a kind of novel in which there is no shortage of quotes about her triumph in Miss Spain, her time in Hollywood, and her love affair with the tarzan Lex Barquer, the playboy Espartaco Santoni and the millionaire Heiny Thyssen.

Ediciones B does not hide its anger

The Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid hosts this Thursday the presentation of La baronesa, which through more than 700 pages narrates the life of one of the most interesting public figures in our country, Ediciones B points out.

The work, they say, is “the result of the author’s exhaustive documentation work to provide readers with a faithful and exciting portrait of a key woman in the artistic and social history of Spain in recent decades.”

Herrero does not hide his anger at Tita Cervera’s decision and explains that “this literary adventure It started at the end of 2019, when Carmen Thyssen called me on the phone and asked me to write a book about her life. My only condition was to narrate things as they had been, with their lights and their shadows. Little by little I was introduced to her world and, for three years, I had meetings and long conversations with her in her house in La Moraleja “.

The journalist explains that she discovered “a novel woman: a childhood with separated parents, a romantic youth and a beauty contest, that of Miss Spain, which turned her life upside down. Her romance with Lex Barker and the shadows that came after his death”.

In the book, he points out, “her relationship with Espartaco Santoni will be noted, with its sordid end. The birth of Borja and the appearance of Heini, who would make her a baroness and a collector. Her bad relationship with Blanca Cuesta and the arrival of the twins , Carmen and Sabina”.

Herrero acknowledges that ‘La baronesa’ tells the story of Carmen Cervera, of which she says that she has come to “admire” her but “I have never really understood her”.

An awkward question before coming of age

“Is the girls’ father Borja?” Risto Mejide asked, and Carmen replied: “The girls have a father.” That was seen in the Chester bait broadcast in January that had no complement because the question and the extended answer fell out of the final cut. Mediaset assures that it did so “to avoid any possible problem regarding the privacy of two minors”, Guadalupe Sabina and María del Carmen, who were born in 2006 via surrogacy and next year will reach the age of majority. The Telecinco producer preferred to avoid legal troubles after receiving burofaxes and this controversy could have contributed to the end of the biography of Herrero, a portraitist of a dizzying life.
