New details about the war between Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo come to light: their unequal economic situation

Silvia Bronchalo denounced her ex-husband, Rodolfo Sancho, for “insults and humiliation”, an accusation that the actor flatly denies. Waiting to know how the criminal process that his son faces will develop, Daniel Sanchoarrested in Thailand for the confessed murder of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta His parents see how the tension grows between them. For the moment, they start from different scenarios: their situation is unequal, at least, in the economic field.

The weight of Daniel Sancho's defense is carried by the artist, who is the one who hired the lawyers and who, therefore, covers their expenses. From his assets it is known that he owns a house in Fuerteventura jointly with his wife, Xenia Tostado. He is also in charge of a production company that he recently created and whose accounts cannot yet be consulted, according to reports Readingswhich has reviewed the economic situation of each party.

For his part, Bronchalo worked for a time in the insurance sector, but it is unknown what his employment situation is in recent years. He does not have any company in his name nor does he have real estate assets on Spanish soil. Since his son went to prison, he has traveled to the Asian country on several occasions.

His son's situation has caused a real economic bleeding for both, since they not only have to cover expenses inside prison, but they also pay for flights, hotels, meals and lawyers.

Silvia Bronchalo, surpassed

It is not the first time that Bronchalo accuses the father of her son of psychological abuse: He did it on two other occasions years ago, before the chef's arrest in Thailand. However, he withdrew them. “He understood that at that moment he was the most correct due to a series of circumstances,” explained his lawyer, Carolina Castro. “They were complaints prior to the arrest of her son but after her romantic relationship. That is, they were not together,” she clarified, stating that her representation “is overstated” because she did not want this to come out. to the light “.

According to Bronchalo, the actor sent her several messages on WhatsApp “insulting and harassing her.” He tells that he called her “crazy“, who crossed it out as “unable” and that she accused him of having bipolar disorder. The businesswoman, who says that this is not an “isolated” episode, explained that she has been in telephone contact with him since their son was imprisoned in Thailand. All of this It has occurred just two months before the trial against Sancho Gracia's grandson begins.Its start is scheduled for next April 9 with the intervention of 57 witnesses during the process.

Throughout these months, the distance between Rodolfo and Silvia in defending their son has been evident. Let us remember that Bronchalo works independently of his ex, who hired the services of lawyer Marcos García-Montes and the Balfagón-Chippirrás law firm and whose approaches do not satisfy Silvia. Daniel's mother believes that the defense strategy they propose is very risky for her son and she fears that they could sentence him to the maximum penalty.

Además, Silvia and Daniel are not in a relationship at the moment. The last time the mother and son spoke was on January 10. In the last complaint he filed at the Alcobendas police station, Bronchalo also accuses Rodolfo of interfering until breaking the mother-child relationship and assures that she has renounced the restraining order and the prohibition of communication that she has been offered as protective measures because her ex-husband is the only bridge between her son and her at this time.
