New clues to the breakup with Alice Campello

Alice Campello (29) y Alvaro Morata (31) They are clear: no matter how much they want to, they cannot be together. The days go by and the information drip grows incessantly, but they remain in their line, insisting that they respect and love each other deeply. This was proven this Wednesday when, after the bittersweet smile of the footballer in his debut with Milan, The businesswoman has spoken again.

The young woman has spoken with Isabel Rábago, who has shared her conversation on Vamos a ver. According to the journalist, Alice has been very generous at all times. She has no problem talking about her breakup, no matter how much it hurts her. “It makes it clear to me that It was by mutual agreement and he was very aware of the moment in which he was going to do it.but he had to be the first,” the commentator advanced.

“We are two very young people, we have both been very immature when it comes to managing certain situations, there are many children, moments of instability from being from one country to another…”, explained the model, alluding to the fragile mental health of both parties: “My postpartum depression has influenced and theirs, too, which has not allowed us to manage certain situations among ourselves”.

Alice knows that “love doesn’t end overnight.” However, at this moment the marriage cannot continue. “We love each other infinitely, we respect each other immensely and nothing is going to change that. We were already at a point where we were consuming ourselves,” she told Rábago. “It’s what we need right now(…) I put my body in the fire because he has respected me all my life and he has not been unfaithful to me, I know he would kill for me,” she stressed.

These words come on the same day that Alexia Rivas has also revealed on the program that at the last party that the player attended, after the breakup, This one was “shattered”. At all times, according to the journalist, he asked his companions to stay by his side. “There were girls in the private room,” but he did not want to get close. “It hurts him” that people talk about infidelity because he does not want Alice to think that he has cheated on him.

A trip to Italy and a final fight

The journalist has spoken to Morata’s close entourage and has clarified that the break-up occurred at the end of last month, in Italy. Everything exploded “exactly at the moment when he left for Italy because he had signed for his new team.” “He went there with Alice Campello and that is where they had a rather big and definitive argument. She decides to pack her bags, pack her things and return to Spain.

Morata “feels guilty that it didn’t work out because of him”“He says that she is wonderful and blames himself for not being able to continue fighting for the relationship. He has realized that they are people who will never understand each other,” concluded the Telecinco official, who affirms that the two want to be together, but that they are at different points. Right now, “they are not compatible”.

Alice’s ultimatum

It must be said that in Public Mirror There has also been talk of a breakup. According to journalist Gema López, one of the biggest arguments in the marriage There was even “an ultimatum” on her part that “would have precipitated the separation”On the one hand, the presenter says that “there was a lack of understanding.” And, on the other, there were disagreements when it came to talking about business.

“A year ago, movements began in the Morata societies. Another key word is precipitation”she stressed. “On vacation, after the Euro Cup, there is a phrase that she says to him and he makes the decision after that challenge,” she concluded.
