Cesar Alierta, maximum shareholder of Real Zaragoza, has given his nephews and directors of the sports corporation, Fernando Sainz de Varanda and Juan Uguet, the express order that close the sale of their shareholding package as soon as possible (50.56% of the share capital), but the negotiations are taking much longer than expected and that has completely paralyzed all sports programming of the Aragonese team, while maintaining in suspense, and with a fired concern, to all the zaragocismo. So there are no signings or sales. Or what is more precise, there are no signings because there is still no agreement for the sale.
The only certainty about this long and complex process is that conversations at the highest level continue, for two weeks with the logical secrecy that an operation of this magnitude requires, with credits and guarantees subscribed with Ibercaja and CaixaBank, very pressing payment commitments and a net debt of 71 million euros.

As AS has been counting, two investor groups are finalizing their entry into Real Zaragoza, a Mexican group, whose identity is unknown, which maintains a constant dialogue with the counselor Fernando de Yarza through the company Spain Football Capital, and a multinational investment group, with a US parent, whose name has not been disclosed either for confidentiality reasons and who is negotiating directly with the Alierta family, decisive due to its majority shareholding in deciding the operation.
“We are going to try to close the share transfer process in the next few days. and be as satisfactory as possible for Real Zaragoza. We would have liked it to have been closed a few weeks ago, but although we have made every effort to make that happen, these processes are complicated“declared last Wednesday the Vice President and CEO Sainz de Varanda, direct negotiator with both groups.
Alierta has absolutely decided his departure from Real Zaragoza, which foreshadows a stage for the agreement, but while the sale is agreed with one of the two groups, at least through a kind of deposit contract, the entire transfer chapter is in the air, because the buying group will depend on the sale and the millions injected into the SAD the salary limit that the Aragonese club will have in this season 2021-22: Subtract club structure expenses and annual debt payments from income for the year. So everything remains to be done on the sporting level, while the calendar is already running at full speed.
The sports director Miguel Torrecilla has several negotiations underway, but Zaragoza is one of the five Second Division teams that has not yet signed, and He has already missed some objectives such as Paulino, signed by Málaga with the freedom letter. Peybernes and Doukouré, for example, are on the right track, but far from closed. Not to mention those who have to leave (Vuckic, Larrazábal …) or the two or three forwards who should arrive.
Torrecilla is tied hand and foot, apart from the fact that, as AS reported on June 19, tHe intends to make his position available to the new property of Real Zaragoza, either to Mexican businessmen or to the US capital investment group, to see first-hand to what extent they are committed or not to their continuity in sports management and to know the maximum possible details of the new economic-sports project for Real Zaragoza.
And all this, the Aragonese team has completed its first week of training under the orders of Juan Ignacio Martínez, right now the figure of the club with the highest degree of esteem among the fans, and on Saturday he will play the first friendly of the preseason in the Teruel field of Pinilla (7:30 p.m.).