Neither the rain nor the DANA slow down the works of the new Bernabéu

Neither the high intensity rains that have fallen in the capital since yesterday nor the effects of the climatological DANA that are affecting all of Spain have slowed the dizzying pace of the remodeling and modernization works of the Bernabéu. The portal specialized in them, @ newgovernabéu, has unveiled today four new images inside the La Castellana stadium in which it is clearly reflected that everything is going according to forecasts and that if this continues the completion of the reform is likely to end a few months earlier than expected initially by the construction company FCC and the architects of the ambitious project (it was initially set in October 2022).

Real Madrid Shield / Flag

In the aforementioned page it is reflected in the four photographs posted on their social networks defined progress. In the first they see how they advance the low tier formwork, which will allow fans to enjoy more modern, more comfortable and less narrow seats, which was one of the main complaints of the subscribers in that area of ​​the field.

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This is how the works of the Santiago Bernabéu are progressing.

In the second picture is shown the five meter high entrance open in the middle of the side stand, which will allow the entry into the field of heavy and large machinery to continue facing the demands of the complexity of the work.

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This is how the works of the Santiago Bernabéu are progressing.

In the third snapshot looks diaphanous the logistics tunnel open in one of the funds, which crosses below the stands. This tunnel will allow us to continue working on the creation of a kind of 'inner city', with all the technological advances to be able to install in the future the retractable lawn and the deposit of the plates that they will allow changing the stage to celebrate concerts and all kinds of acts and events on the days that there are no Real Madrid games. This will make the facilities profitable until multiplying 200% your usual income.

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This is how the works of the Santiago Bernabéu are progressing.

By last, you can see the spectacular aerial view of the trusses, which are about to join about 70 meters high above the lawn. They will allow the consolidation of the structure which in turn will facilitate the installation of the roof that will completely close the stadium and that will allow you to watch the games in winter, on rainy days, with the roof closed and oblivious to possible inclement weather.

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This is how the works of the Santiago Bernabéu are progressing.

That will be the culminating part of a work that, if it continues like this, could be finished in 18 or 20 months at the most. For the spring of 2022, the new and futuristic Bernabéu will be a blessed reality for Madridistas.