Nebulossa (Benidorm Fest) warns against criticism for 'Zorra': “We are not 20 years old, we sweat everything”

The plans of Mark Dasous y Maria Bas (Nebulossa) They have changed overnight. They did not expect to win the Benidorm Fest and believed that their lives were going to return to normal. “We thought we were going to return home with our children and our dog and, look, here again,” the singer explained this Sunday to the media.

“We were not expecting this at all. We are trying to assimilate it”, admits María, the vocalist of a musical project that she forms with her husband Mark, with whom she has been in a relationship for 20 years. Together they launched Nebulossa a few years ago, although the big deal came now. “I didn't imagine that this would become so big. My dream was to make myself known. Artists always want our work to be recognized, that was simply our dream.”

They still haven't assimilated that they have beaten the big favorites, st. Pedro and Jorge González. Furthermore, the day after winning the Benidorm Fest started with a scare for María and Mark when someone asked them this morning where the bronze microphone was that accredits them as winners of the Benidorm Fest. “They called me this morning and said: where is the prize?”, remembers Maria. They left it forgotten at the party after the final and there has been a race through the corridors of the Don Pancho hotel to look for it. They couldn't find it, but the trophy was not lost; TVE had guarded him and he is now with them. “We'll put it in the living room.”says Maria. “Or at the entrance of the house, so that everyone who enters can see it”Mark points out.

Although winning the Benidorm Fest seems like the goal, it is nothing more than the beginning of a long four-month race that will take Nebulossa to Eurovision. “The message is already being received in Europe. We are receiving messages from other countries.” “We want it to be understood because music is a universal language,” adds Mark.

Will there be controversy at Eurovision over the word 'slut'?

One of the challenges of RTVE's candidacy is to avoid the possibility that the title 'Bitch', and the connotations of that term, could be a problem for the EBU, whose regulations are very strict. “The proposal is clear and the RAE's definition of a slut is also clear. It is a song in accordance with current regulations“explains RTVE's Communication Director, María Eizaguirre. Furthermore, what Nebulossa does with that word is to “resignify” the term to end the pejorative and sexist meaning.

In any case, you don't have to be very clever to anticipate that the choice of The debt will bring controversy and criticism from some sectors. Even Nebulossa will be the subject of many of those comments. It doesn't matter, because they are back from everything. “We are of an age and you already see things and handle them differently. We are not 20 years old and I hate everything“declares Maria.

Mark insists that the important thing about The debt is the message and is aware that there will be some citizens who will not feel identified with a song that talks about feminism, equality and empowerment of the most marginalized sectors, both women and the LGTBI community. “They are our impetus for this message to reach higher. They are free to give their opinion, obviously. Let's take this message to the last consequence. And if they don't let us, let it be evident,” Mark says.
