Napoli will break their rule to answer Barcelona

FC Barcelona is willing to pay 40M euros for Kalidou Koulibaly, Napoli’s centre-back, but the Partenopeo team will not make it easy for them. From tuttoomercatoWEB They affirm that Aurelio De Laurentiis, president of the Neapolitan team, and in order not to repeat a case similar to that of Lorenzo Insigne, is willing to offer the Senegalese defender a renewal with a different policy, skipping his salary rules to avoid the player’s departure.

Photo of Koulibaly

“Koulibaly earns about 6 million euros a year and to stay it is almost impossible that he can ask for less. De Laurentiis wants to return to what was the status quo with Edison Cavani, with a couple of top players who will be overpaid, and then a cap less accentuated salary for those who are expendable players, or transferable for a fair amount, “says this medium.

Koulibaly already had big offers last summer, but De Laurentiis was asking astronomical amounts for the 30-year-old centre-back. For the property, the central is an indispensable piece, more than players like Fabián or Mertens. Irreplaceable. Every effort will be made to retain you. Next season’s Napoli will be built around the defender and Osimhen, who will also not be leaving unless a three-figure offer arrives for him.