‘Nani’ Roma announces that he will be treated for a bladder tumor


The Spanish pilot Joan ‘Nani’ Roma announced this Thursday that he suffers from a bladder tumor and will be treated for it in the coming months, in addition to confirming that the “rapid action of the doctors” has prevented a “very serious problem”.

The 50-year-old Catalan runner, Dakar Rally champion on motorcycles and cars, reported the situation himself through a video posted on his Facebook account. “I wanted to announce some bitter news to you. A few days ago and after some pain in my back, they detected a tumor in my bladder,” he said.

“Fortunately and thanks to the pain and the quick action of the doctors, what could have been a very graceful problem without a solution, has happened to have it. It is always less problematic. I will face a few months of treatment with an important surgery” , added the one from Folgueroles in the video.

In addition, ‘Nani’ Roma – who has already received messages of encouragement from the entire motor world – said that he has started with his team and coach to prepare at the Sant Cugat CAR. “If I arrive in good shape for the operation, I will recover much better. My goal is to train as much as I can and be ready in a few months to return to racing,” he said.

In addition, Roma stressed that he is “lucky” to belong to the BRX and ProDrive team for “all the support” and “help and encouragement”, in addition to his sponsors (Monster and Samsung), as well as all the doctors who have treated him , “especially Xavier Mir”, who has “guided” and “advised” him in finding the “best professionals”.