“We have received a last minute question. It is a manifesto of Genetics Perica. We support the president Chen already Duran. We are very confident in your project ”. Thus, with these words, the most decaffeinated question and answer session in recent years ended, carried out virtually, in which shareholders sent their questions and answered, without replies, directly and quickly.
Both the APMAE as other minor shareholders insisted to the president Chen yansheng and the CEO, Josep Maria Duran, on the reason for needing at least 100 actions to speak at the Boards. Durán settled the issue with which “we want to make the meetings more manageable”, while later he made it clear that “the shareholder maintains their right to vote for information.” Chen participated in the first two responses, in which, thousands of kilometers away and reading the responses, commented that “the club has never been managed remotely”, at the question of Sergi Gonzalez.

Other shareholders, such as Francisco José Sánchez Alaminos, became interested in the creation of a new sports city, to which Durán repeated a response that his predecessor could have signed Roger guasch: “We are studying it.” He even had to clear up uncomfortable debates such as whether the club needed to remove the crown from the shield or remove the names of some players at the gates of the stadium. “We have our history and it is what it is. These things are done by consensus ”.
After, also repeatedly, like déja vu, answering Arnau Baqué, president of the Sports Sections, that “now is not the time, we need to promote to First”, he responded to Manuel Carrasco, from the APMAE, the question about which players represent the 3.4 million euros spent in rescission. Durán explained that they are due to Víctor Sánchez, Javi López and … Naldo. The enigmatic thing is that the Brazilian center-back ended his contract on June 30, so his case should not be different from that of other players who extended their relationship for a few months, such as Jonathan Calleri, Facundo Ferreyra, Ander Iturraspe or Bernardo Espinosa, for example.
Durán was clearer to the question of Joaquim Ros, on the need for Espanyol to make masks for the club itself. “We wear them,” replied Durán, who assured that “I agree, we want to put them in stores.”