Nacho Taboada left his house and rented one in the countryside

After several days of speculation, finally Sara Carbonero has taken a step forward and denied her breakup with Nacho Taboada. She did so through Gema Lopez in Public Mirrorto whom he declared: “We love each other and we want to stay together. And the plans that we had for the future, although we had to put them aside for a while, we want to continue carrying them out. You will see me with Nacho, I am still with Nacho, we love each other and in all couples when things happen like those that have happened to me… Well, relationships have ups and downs.”

Sara hasn’t had it easy in recent years. In addition to her ovarian cancer, which fortunately she only has to go for check-ups, her mother’s health problem has now been added, as she herself has said, and that has changed her life. And that is the real reason why she and Nacho have been more distant, according to those close to her: “Sara made the decision to bring her mother to her house in Madrid until she recovered, which has caused certain changes in her home. She and Nacho were already living together and when Sara’s mother started living with her, Nacho decided to leave to give them their space.. So the musician rented a house and from there the rumors came out, when it was known that Nacho did not live with Sara, but they insist: “In no case have they left it. It is true that they have less time for themselves and that someone has been able to see Nacho in his new house, which is in the countryside, but the reasons are as stated. I would say more, Nacho has been one of Sara’s greatest supporters in all of this,” they point out.

During all these months, Carbonero has been fully focused and dedicated to what is truly important to her right now, which is her mother and her children, with whom she escaped to Cadiz a few days ago to spend a few days on the beach. It was there that the journalist received the news published by Hello about their separation. “The truth is that I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t understand how the magazine could say something like that without having contacted her or Nacho. The truth is that she was very upset, but she didn’t want to go public about anything until she was forced to. She saw that the ball just kept getting bigger,” they tell us.

Despite all this situation, the journalist and Nacho have had a few days to get away together this summer, even though we haven’t been able to see them. Both have made some time in their schedules; because he is on tour, and they have dedicated some romantic days together. In fact, Sara uploaded some images to her networks in the countryside, by herself, coincidentally taken by her boyfriend. “Sunrise in the countryside,” she wrote. And at the end of the carousel of images of her alone a significant phrase: “And now what? Now, everything.”
