Miguel Bose He has undergone surgery again, again for a health problem related to his back. The intervention took place in Barcelona, in one of the most prestigious clinics, the Teknon Medical Center. He has been hospitalized for four days and will now have to rest until he begins rehabilitation in a few weeks.
The singer of Bandit loverwho has also had serious voice problems in recent years, He has had back surgery again to avoid losing mobility at 67 years old. It must be remembered that he already underwent surgery for a herniated disc in October 2022, which is why he then had to suspend the trip he had pending to Madrid to promote his autobiographical book, Secret stories of my best songs.

His back problems began in 1999 due to a traffic accident, although he did not have surgery until many years later. For this new operation, carried out by Dr. Oliver Abadal Bartolomé, They had to put a plate on it with several screws. The singer has taken advantage of his time in Spain (he returned to promote his series on Telecinco) to undergo this invention.
The same weekly newspaper highlights that His ex, Nacho Palau, has been very aware of him. It must be remembered that the legal problems over their children (they still support them) made quite a dent between the two, although They strengthened ties as a result of the lung cancer suffered by the Valencian sculptor after leaving Survivors last year. This summer, they also shared time together in the house that the interpreter rented in Mallorca. The little ones were with them Diego y Thaddeuswho reside with Bosé in Mexico, and Ivo y Telmo, who live with their father in Valencia. It must be remembered that in the middle of this year, Palau broke with the Chilean Cristian Villella.