“My life is my life”

Sara Carbonero denied this Thursday that she had broken off her relationship with the singer Nacho Taboada after two years of relationship, one of them living together. The journalist has expressed her anger with the magazine Hellowho announced and confirmed the breakup with his own words: “We love each other and we want to stay together. And the plans we had for the future, even though we had to put them aside for a while, we want to continue carrying them out.”he insisted through Gema López.

On the other hand, and leaving aside the issue of her relationship with the singer, it must be remembered that the journalist herself Public Mirror On Wednesday on the set, Carbonero revealed a meeting that he had with an old friend in Lanzarote at the end of June, when there was still no talk of a crisis or estrangement between Sara and Nacho.

After releasing this information, Lopez had an “unpleasant” moment, as Sara’s representative contacted her and there was even talk of possible legal measures.

Carbonero then clarified the matter of this meeting in the Canary Islands: “When I talk about the trip to the Canary Islands I say that it is for a family matter, of some people that I do not want to name and I do not name their children. And Sara points out to me that the fact that I don’t bring her children into the picture and that people talk about her being seen with someone else could be misinterpreted.“And I told him that I didn’t want to bring the children into the discussion precisely because we’re talking about adult things,” Gema said.

Gema then explained: “She goes to a tournament, she sees this person, they’ve been friends for a long time, they have friends in common, they haven’t seen each other for a long time and she, well, avoids photos because she doesn’t want the spotlight to be on him again, because she was on the cover of a magazine and because she’s an anonymous person.” After all this, Iker Casillas’ ex insisted: “My life is my life and I don’t want to hurt others”.

Sara Carbonero and her Canarian friend in the magazine ‘Diez Minutos’, in 2021
