Munir Mohand Mohamedi, (Melilla, May 10, 1989) is being life insurance for Malaga in a season especially complicated by poor planning sponsored by the horrific president / tweeter Abdullah Al Thani. Munir remained as the only goalkeeper with a professional record and on the three occasions he had to go with Morocco he was replaced by Kellyan (against Almería and Cádiz) and Gonzalo (against Alcorcón). All three games ended in defeat.
The international was called by a part of the fans the day he made a big mistake against Mirandés that cost a goal and the loss of two points. An isolated fact. Despite its shape peaks, with ups and downs, its balance is positive. Munir punctual stops have meant no less than eight points for Malaga. These are:
Malaga-Las Palmas. Day 3. With 0-1 he avoided Ruben Castro's 0-2. A point. Mirandés Málaga. Day 5 With 1-1 stop to Merquelanz. A point. Malaga-Sporting. Day 8. With 0-0 and in prolongation time two stops to Carmona. A point. Extremadura-Malaga. Round 20. With 0-0 stop Willy. A point. Oviedo-Malaga. Day 22 With 1-1 two interventions against Carlos Hernández and Lolo. A point. Cádiz-Málaga. Day 28. With 0-1 huge stop to Iza Carcelén. Two points saved (even all three). Las Palmas-Málaga-Jornada 30. With 1-0 he avoided Ruben Castro 2-0. In the next play goal of Lombán. A point. Total eight gold points without which Malaga would be in decline.
Munir ends contract with Malaga on June 30 and it is not known that there have been contacts for its renewal. Before this campaign started. And as revealed by the interested party, Malaga tried to find a transfer. Malaga will have a serious problem in the medium term future in the goal because it would force Malaga to have to look for one or two goalkeepers to face next season. It will not be easy because his problems with the salary limit force him to have to get rid of assets to be able to balance the accounts and that LaLiga agrees to enroll the club in his competitions on the dreaded July 31. A lot of work for the judicial administrator, José María Muñoz, to correct all the backstage trips by the Al Thani family in this process of decline and madness in which they have submitted to the club during all this time. Malaga now breathes.
Another session of FIFA Virus is coming

The FIFA Virus can again leave without Munir, Hicham and Boulahroud al Málaga in two very decisive matches against Albacete and Deportivo. These are the matches and the dates.
03-26-20. Republic of the Congo-Morocco. 03-27-20. Morocco. Central African Republic. 03-31-20. Central African Republic-Morocco. 04-04-20 Morocco-Togo 10-4-20. Morocco-Rwanda. At the moment, Munir is already in the pre-list of 49 decreed by the coach of the North African country.