Movistar offers its clients a ‘masterclass’ with the triathlete Javi Gómez Noya


Nearly thirty people, winners of a Movistar Likes promotion, had this Monday the opportunity to live a ‘masterclass’ with the Spanish triathlete Javier Gómez Noya, five-time world champion and who shared his experience and knowledge about this sport.

The guests met at the Somontes Sports Center in Madrid where, in addition to meeting the Galician, they were able to have a training session with him that lasted nearly three hours and focused on the three modalities of the triathlon.

Thus, Movistar clients had a swimming session in the 25-meter pool where Gómez Noya shared his technical tricks to improve, while stationary bicycles were used for cycling training, with the aim of achieving the optimal posture on the bike and what type of training should be done to optimize the time spent on training. Finally, a circuit was designed in the facilities for the foot race.

Gómez Noya also gave his advice to make quick transitions between the different disciplines in a non-competitive activity whose mission was that the guests could understand the importance of optimizing the quality of their training in order to meet their sporting objectives.

“With experience you gain confidence when training and you know better how to do what you need to perform, what type of training and work is best for you and benefits you the most”, stressed the Spanish triathlete, linked to ‘Movistar’ since 2016 and who has His goal this year is to try to win the Ironman World Cup in Kona (Hawaii) in October.

The Galician also referred to Rafa Nadal’s fourteenth triumph at Roland Garros. “I think what he is achieving is something inhuman, I doubt that there is any athlete in history who has won a competition at the highest level of his sport 14 times. He is an inspiration to everyone for his values, his fight and his competitive spirit in any situation and circumstance,” he stressed.