The hoaxes about the son of Carlos III continue. As we have published, Prince William has been the subject of huge fake news that in recent days have dominated the press and Spanish TV programs. Some falsehoods about a supposed romantic dinner of the heir with his friend Rose Hanbury Valentine’s night they set off the alarms. burst some unfounded rumors that the British newspapers did not pick up because in the narrative no data was provided to support the information. No sources or confirmations or anything. The hoax on the website started. It got so big that there was a moment when the snowball stopped. The Spanish media then published that the operation had been launched super injunction, as a way to silence the press for very exceptional occasions that affect national security. An information blackout. Nothing is further from reality. Neither injuction nor anything. Second hoax. But the thing does not end here. The digital has just launched that Guillermo and her friend Rose would have shared erotic and eccentric moments. There is no end.
To gloss this new fake, quotes the author or author of the story to the journalist Violet Naylor-Leyland and his book Rare Birds, True Style: Extraordinary Interiors, Personal Collections & Signature Looks. He points out that the writer recounts in her text “the eccentric life” of Rose. However, in the synopsis it is read that it is an interior design book, “perfect for lovers of interior design, fashion and the English lifestyle”. The book is on sale from Amazon for $36. (Lower photo: capture).

And it is not the only hoax. There’s still more. On February 26, the digital publishes that Harry y Meghanlos dukes of sussex, “have been officially expelled from the British Commonwealth royal institution”. As is well. The American website alleges that this measure has been taken “after all the attacks and accusations” that have been leveled against the royal family. They even predict “new and harsh sanctions” against the Sussexes (Lower photo: capture).

It all started last week. Was a not cope in the United Kingdom. The tsumani of hoaxes has passed over the Windsors. This time the magnifying glass was on the princes of Wales. The Untouchables of The Firm. Since they came to light informations After a fake dinner of Prince William with his friend Rose Hanbury, on Valentine’s Day, rumors of infidelity and betrayal of Kate regained strength. an alleged affair that made a lot of noise in 2019, but that ended in nothing. In the middle of the red carpet at the Bafta Awards, we saw the princess slap her husband on her butt.

The thing did not end there. The Spanish media began to publish that there was no trace of Rose Hanbury and her special friendship with her heir. The hoax of the ‘blackout’ of the ‘super injunction’ began.

In this story, by definition, there are four protagonists (photo above): the heir, his wife, the friend and the friend’s husband. The last of this cast is the least known. The one with the least focus. However, the lord also has his own story about him. Rose Hanbury’s husband, David Rocksavageis the seventh marquis of Cholmondeley. She is 62 years old and the beautiful Rose is 38. They were married in 2009. Before the marriage, she worked as a model at the Storm Models agency. The couple have three children. The twins Alexander and Oliver, 14 years old, and little Iris. The Cholmondeleys, residents of Norfolk, became close to the then Dukes of Cambridge.
The marquis turned to the cinema. Among other films he has directed the adaptation of Other voices, other fieldsby Truman Capote. AND Shadows in the Sun. Many years before his marriage, Lord Cholmondeley became friends with Francois Marie Banier. The British press mentions 1983 as the year they met and became friends.