Monreal's injury pending

Nacho Monreal went on to swell the infirmary of the Royal Society before the game against Levante last Sunday. Navarrese left back suffered a discomfort in his knee That led the coaching staff to be cautious and not take risks, giving them rest in that last league match to avoid an injury with greater consequences. It does not seem that it is a serious ailment, although on Monday, in the recovery session, he could not train with the rest of his teammates and limited himself to treating his injury. Now Imanol Alguacil is awaiting his recovery, but taking into account that there are two games ahead before the Cup final, you are not going to risk the slightest bit.

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Monreal he was left out of the call against Granada “due to some discomfort in the right quadriceps tendon”, according to the medical report provided by the club. Imanol after the game specified that it was not a “serious injury, some annoyances that as a precaution it was better for him not to play and, on top of that, having Aihen Muñoz well, it was not worth risking ”, but he hopes that he can be ready throughout this week to play in Los Carmenes against Granada.

The Navarrese has tendinitis in his knee that Imanol played down after the match against Levante. He is expected to be able to play in Granada, although there is no intention of risking. Whye Aihen Muñoz has complied whenever the situation required and has offered a more than acceptable level, so the setting would be well covered and there is no need to force a return with Monreal, putting a possible relapse at risk. Imanol hopes to count on him, while continues to wait for the slow but positive evolution of the rest of the injured, such as Aritz Elustondo, Moyá, Zaldua and Ayesa. With Sangalli, the process of returning to the pitch takes, of course, another rhythm, although his return is fortunately closer and closer.