Mila Ximenez left us forever, a victim of cancer, on June 23, 2021. Fate has wanted the anniversary to coincide with the scheduled date for the death of Save me, and the tribute will be enormous, as she deserves. But this Sunday, May 21, the Sevillian journalist would have turned 71. Two years ago, that woman, an unrepeatable mixture of sweetness and infinite anger, huddled in her house in her Madrid, almost numb from illness and resigned to the inevitable. She only had four weeks left to leave, leaving a mark that will undoubtedly contribute to making an eternal Save me that now points to its end but that was his life, together with his family, during the last years of his existence.
On the Telecinco set, which will now house other television offerings, there will undoubtedly always be a racket of shouting against half-baked celebrities, but also against everything that moves. Mila dared with politicians, artists, writers, journalists, financiers, athletes, bullfighters, reigning monarchs, emirs with turbans or tempered aristocrats. But above all, the funny ghost of this woman with a natural blessing to dislocate the rundowns will be on those sets, like when she restlessly waited for the curtain to come down to often get caught up in the Machiavellian plots of her bosses.

But sometimes she would open up and between the cracks of the infamous scripts and we could admire her humid and defeated gaze, a luxury always adorned with that permanent, inimitable smile so human that it made you want to kiss the flat screen that displayed it.

Mila Ximénez was many things. But in addition to being a woman, daughter, mother, wife or lover, she was a sufferer and a enjoyer, a journalist of race, addicted to fight against all odds to achieve what was necessary.

“He won’t be able to with me”
After leaving the pandemic, he made a direct phone call to Save me to confess to all his peers and his audience that he had been diagnosed with cancer. Strongly and without doubt, Mila assured that this disease was not going to be able to with her and that she would start her treatments as soon as possible. Her die was cast, but the lesson has penetrated.
It can be said that at least a part of the love that Mila had given throughout her life was received in her last year. Her professional colleagues accompanied her during her illness through phone calls, home visits, and going to the hospital with her. Her brothers left everything to be by her side and her daughter, Alba, too.

Mila was not alone and left with a lot of love and the valuable heritage of affection from all her loved ones. She said goodbye to all of them in time and left in peace. Mila would have turned 71 years old today fighting against the end of her job. We miss her retranca and her sarcasm these days of ridicule in which her program colleagues laugh at themselves and those who insult them by calling them (probably with reason) “trash TV”.
But Save me, In addition to embarrassing moments, he had the glory of moments like some of those starring Mila Ximénez. We want to remember her for all those good moments that she gave us on television and for all those triumphs of hers as a journalist that she achieved during her professional career.
Long before animating the theater of Save me I had worked in the newspaper ABC, where he interviewed great known faces of our country such as Cayetana de Alba, Plácido Domingo, Miguel Bosé, Pedro Almodóvar or Carmen Sevilla among others. It goes from him to the radio with Encarna Sánchez, in Cope and his relationship at that time with Isabel Pantoja give for a separate article.
Mila had a professional break and came back stronger than ever when she joined Martian Chronicles, another gibberish where he left his mark with Xavier Sardá. then they would arrive By your side, La Noria, Save me, Big Brother VIP o survivors.