The Supreme Court has rejected the appeal filed by Nacho Palauex-boyfriend of Miguel Bosein which he asked that the two, who were a couple for more than 25 years, be recognized as parents of the four children they had in their day by surrogacy.
Diego y Thaddeus They are biological children of the singer of bandit loverwhile Ivo y Telmo They are from the Valencian sculptor, who recently overcame lung cancer.
The high court establishes that the affective ties are not enough to recognize the paternity of the two over the four minors, clarifying that for this they should have adopted.

Thus, the Civil Chamber has explained that, “regardless of the circumstances of the birth of the children or the sex of the parents, the mere socio-affective bond of the minors with each other and with each other is not enough to establish parentage. with whom he was the partner of his respective father”.
The ruling adds: “The Spanish legal system establishes for these situations the path of adoption that the parties could follow during cohabitation and that, once the couple breaks up, it is unfeasible”, indicates the First Chamber in an informative note to which it has had access Europa Press.