Miguel Bosé, from singer and denialist to “master baker”: “I am preparing to be self-sufficient”

Miguel Bose (66) never ceases to amaze us, especially since these years ago he began to offer delirious statements about Covid-19 and everything related to the pandemic that paralyzed the world. The singer, who is promoting a new book about his musical career, has now spoken out about politics and his personal aspirations.

Read alsoMiguel Bosé, the most notorious absence at his mother’s funeral in Brieva

On the one hand, the author of Secret history of my best songs He has launched his criticism against the Government. In general, he is unhappy with the left, despite having supported the PSOE for decades. “I am very disenchanted with the left, but very, very much. And this is someone who, since he was 20 years old, has campaigned actively with the PSOE all his life. I have been in all of them. Until Zapatero’s second legislature I was in all campaigns of the left and of the PSOE, but my left no longer exists”, he says in an interview with The world. And he adds: “This left of today is tremendously reactionary, totalitarian and caciquist.”

Politics in general, here and abroad, overwhelms him. “Today there are much fewer freedoms, especially since this shitty Covid pandemic started. The tendency of governments is to take away more and more freedoms and have more social control over us on all fronts, which we should not ever access.”

Thus, the singer of bandit lover he does not conceive of current politics, neither on one side nor on the other: “It is the same thing that happens in politics: there is no alternative to anything because it does not matter to you to vote for the left than for the right”. Because of all this, he feels out of place: “Shortly after leaving the left, I left the system. Because today the system is far from being a democracy. The system has evolved in such a way that it has become a sum of companies called parties that have occupied a whole range of colors”.

Read also Miguel Bosé parks the war against Nacho Palau and offers him his full support: this has been his reaction

The son of Luis Miguel Dominguín and Lucía Bosé says that he is outside the system, although he gives interviews like this to promote his work (it is not going to be that outside the system they do not buy them). Outside of the system, he also dedicates himself to other things to nourish himself personally. In this sense, he assures that he takes courses. “What kind?” they ask. And he answers: “From a master baker.” Added to this is “a phytotherapy course [tratamiento de enfermedades con plantas supuestamente medicinales] and another of acupuncture”. All “to be self-sufficient in case I have to get out of the system completely”. Of course…