Miguel Ángel Silvestre, traumatized after suffering a terrible attack: “I have a blockage against violence”

The actor has been one of the protagonists of the summer and not only for his new relationship with businesswoman Rebeca Toribio but also for avoiding a robbery in a luxury store in the center of Madrid. This Wednesday, Miguel Ángel Silvestre He recalled the event and confessed that he regrets having acted: “I shouldn’t have done it, stores have a thousand insurance policies for these things and it could have ended badly.”

Silvestre, who has presented in The Anthill the new season of the series 30 coins, has told how it all happened: “I was calmly in the store and I ordered something to try on and suddenly I saw something strange with my eye, I saw the clerks running out, like someone was pulling a bag and I ran away.” An act that he has called “impulsive”: “A clerk and I ran out, and in the end the other person got exhausted and threw the bags away,” he explained. “I shouldn’t have run away because there are a thousand insurance policies in stores that cover that and the story could have ended badly.”

It is not the first time that Silvestre acts with such impulsiveness and he has explained why: “When I was little, they bullied me at school.” A fact that left its mark on him: “Sometimes I dream that they hit me and I don’t know who because a group of children hit me and that created a blockage in violence. I developed a fear, but when I saw the violence from the outside I exploded because I saw myself in that,” he explained. “Once I saw a man who was walking a dog and he kicked the dog. I pushed him and minutes later my friend said to me ‘But what’s wrong with you?’. And I told him ‘I’m that dog.'”