Since being released on charges following his arrest for allegedly hiring illegal immigrants for his musical ‘Malinche’, Nacho Cano occupies a large part of the television schedule. Last Friday, the composer appeared on Susanna Griso’s show, where he said: “They have tried to ruin my life, saying that I am a sexual harasser”. Precisely, on the arrest of the musician he spoke out this Saturday Miguel Angel Revilla in laSexta Xplica.
“I don’t know him, but I’ve seen some exaggerated acting by this man. But this montage? Does he think he’s in an underdeveloped country?”questioned the politician. It should be remembered that Cano attacked the Sánchez Government, accusing the executive of directing the police investigation for his “friendship with Ayuso” and as a strategy to divert attention from the latest scandal involving his wife, Begoña Gómez, who is being investigated for alleged crimes of corruption and influence peddling: “My opinion is that attention should be diverted from the investigation into Pedro Sánchez’s wife and since I am a friend of Ayuso and I am not a communist, because I am not an idiot, Because I have traveled a lot and I have met many Cubans, Venezuelans… well, they are going after me, because this is excessive,” he said.
For his part, the politician from Cantabria continued to question the executive’s involvement in the arrest of the musician, justifying his argument with the freedoms that we ‘enjoy’: “That’s clear. The country with the most freedoms in the world is Spain. “Everything can be said here! Even too much,” he said. Meanwhile, Yélamo pointed out that the clearest proof is that the artist “He gave a press conference and said whatever he wanted”.
“Here, Kings are insulted, flags are burned, and nothing happens. It is a free country. The ‘they are coming for me’ theory is very exploited”Miguel Ángel said. He added: “This gentleman has been away for a long time, but here there are total freedoms and guarantees. Can judges make mistakes? There are other instances“.
“They may act late, but now we have Mr. Zaplana, waiting to be sentenced to 100 years or so. Mr. Rato, waiting to be sentenced to another 100 years. Judges act when there are solid accusations. The theory of ‘they’re going after me’ is very hackneyed. Who is he to become a figure to attack in Spain?Revilla insisted. The secretary general of the Regionalist Party concluded his intervention: “If it is not true, it will be clarified. There is no need to make a scene.”