Miguel Ángel Muñoz draws strength to visit his Tata's grave and pays him this beautiful tribute

This February 20, seven months have passed since Miguel Ángel Muñoz he lost the great love of his life, the woman who was always more than a mother to him, the great-great-aunt who took care of him since he was three years old and with whom he established a very close bond. s special, its Tata. Already in the documentary 100 days with Tata – awarded with a Forqué award – he described his as “the perfect love story.” Therefore, although he had undergone therapy to deal with the loss of her, saying goodbye to Tata was not easy at all.

Now, after seven months, Miguel Ángel acknowledges that he remembers her every day and keeps her in mind, but it was not until February 20 that he dared to take a step that was very difficult for him: to go visit his grave to the cemetery and bring flowers. Having overcome that drink, the actor has shared an open letter on his networks that begins like this: “Dear Tata, today, February 20, 7 months ago you began to rest in heaven and until today I had not had the strength and courage to be able to to visit you as you deserve. I know that you don't take it the wrong way and that you understand how difficult your absence continues to be for me.”

The letter continues with a memory of a time when they both set foot in that cemetery during the filming of 100 days with Tata to visit the grave of Luisa Cantero's mother: “You were happy, talking about the cemetery 'as the most beautiful garden that exists' and we were able to live a very valuable moment together. You talked to your mother, we got emotional, you left her flowers and We also laugh together,” he says.

Furthermore, the new signing of The modern He openly confesses to his Tata while in turn he does it to his followers: “I had not told you that I wanted to go there with you to prepare myself in some way when the moment that I am living now would arrive. That day I realized that I was not prepared to be able to visit your tombstone in the future, but it helped me a lot, I thank you again. And he ends by saying: “Today I managed to go see you and bring you your first flowers remembering that day and I am happy because you are where you wanted to be. In Madrid, close to me, so I can go visit you whenever I want.”

The emotional virtual letter ends with “I love you.” And she reminds him, as she has engraved on her tombstone: “We will always be together.”
