Messi's last contract amounts to more than 500 million

The world takes to its cover this Sunday the data from the last contract that Lionel messi signed with Barça in November 2017. The cover estimates its total in 555,237,619 euros According to said media, which ensures that in the contract that the Argentine signed in November 2017, it was established until a maximum of 138 million of season between fixed and variable.

The cover of El Mundo reports that said renewal agreement includes two premiums. One has to do with accept said renewal set at 115,225,000 euros (renewal premium, it is understood). The second, in concept of loyalty, it amounts to almost 78 million euros (77,929,955). El Mundo makes it clear in one of the highlights on its cover that Messi has already secured 92% of the total premium and that he continues to add.