Messi: “After the World Cup I’m going to rethink a lot of things”


The Argentine international Leo Messi has recognized that after the 2022 Qatar World Cup he is going to have to “rethink many things” in his career, although without revealing if these have to do with his career in the national team, at club level or with his future in football, and has reiterated that he is “happy” right now in the albiceleste.

“I think about what’s coming, which is very close, about the players, about the preparation matches that we’ll have in September and October… After the World Cup I’m going to have to rethink a lot of things. I’ll arrive well or badly, hopefully from the better way, but surely after the World Cup many things will change”, he declared after the victory against Venezuela (3-0).

The Paris Saint-Germain striker also pointed out that he feels very comfortable in Lionel Scaloni’s group. “I’ve been happy here for a long time, since before I won the Copa América. It’s a wonderful group, the people love me a lot and they show me more every day. I’m very grateful for what happens every time I come to Argentina. Everything flows much more, both on and off the pitch. Winning helps make everything easier”, he pointed out.

Finally, the ex-Barcelonista confessed how happy he was to see La Bombonera in Buenos Aires full for a match, the penultimate of the South American Qualifiers and the last in Argentina, in which he scored the team’s third goal. “We didn’t expect less from these people, the unity between the Argentine public and this team… It’s a nice day to enjoy it,” he concluded.