The news keeps coming out about the Big Picture project that has the Premier League. If the thrusters are Liverpool and Manchester United, and it has been published that they will have the support of the rest of the Big Six (Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea), the news that today has been published exclusively The Telegraph has as protagonist the team of Jose Mourinho, since thanks to the project they can claim about 130 million euros to cover the expenses of the new White hart lane.

Under the new measures, clubs can request up to 260 million euros for assistance in improving stadiums, but only if they have been in the Premier League in 12 of the last 15 years. There will be a pot of more than 150 million annually to help clubs in this area. The proposal reads like this: “Any club that has completed a project in the last ten years with a minimum expenditure of 50 million will receive 50% assistance in payments during the next 15 years up to a total of 25% of the capital.”

For his part, Liverpool would also benefit of the new proposals, since in their case some 35 million euros correspond to the construction of its main stand of Anfield, released last season. The proposal would also benefit the Everton as it could receive almost half of the 500 million it needs to build its new stadium in Bramley Moore Dock.