Mention of Sánchez and jab at Pablo Motos in his debut

Punctual. At 9:40 p.m., after a 20-minute break from Telediario 2, TVE premiered this Monday The Revoltthe new programme presented by David Broncano after closing his signing months ago in one of the most controversial television transfers in recent years.

The Revolt looks like The Resistance throughout. There has been no adaptation work of the late night al access nor from a payment platform to a generalist (public) channel. In addition, and this is worse, It is neither transgressive nor does it contribute anything new. It conforms to what the program was on Movistar. The concept is identical. Practically the same idea of ​​the set -with some slight changes-; same header, same arrangement of the presenter and the collaborators; and same rhythm -tedious at times in 70 minutes without cuts- with Inside jokes that often only Broncano’s regulars will know. In short, very niche and not very generalistThere is no doubt that he will keep the fans he had. The question is whether he will be able to convince others, which is what he is supposed to be doing when he comes to TVE.

The show started with the presenter breaking a kind of paper screens of different colors. The last one was the flag of Spain and the communicator has resisted and has been the only one who has not broken. Afterwards, drum in hand, she has encouraged the public to shout the name of her new channel: “Television? Spanish!”they have repeated several times.

Broncano then repeated the mantra that he has been spreading for days to defend his arrival at La 1. “Things have been said that are not true. To clarify. Pedro Sánchez has not made me look like his stupid cousin from the village; I do not earn 14 million euros although I have tried; and the 14 million do not come from the ELA or the Civil Guard,” he explained. “It is a lie that we come to make propaganda for the Government,” he added. To continue joking about the matter, Grison opened his shirt and showed a tattoo of Pedro Sánchez on his left chest. On the other side (the right) he had another one of Pablo Motos. “To secure my job next year.”

References to their presence on Spanish Television, the country’s public television, continued when they justified the presence of two thrones that they placed in a ‘royal box’ “because we are an extension of a kingdom.” They have invited the Kings, but also Froilán – “he can enter with two pistols” – and the emeritus king, referring to his “lovers”.

In addition to Jorge Ponce and Lala Chus, on the stage of The Revolt The Grand Prix heifer and three fictional characters also appeared. “Disclosure, Respect and Agustín, our mascots for the public entity.” They also explained that every day, at 10:00 p.m., an image will appear to announce the end of the semi-protected hours that end at that time.

The guest of the night was the adapted surfing champion Aitor Francesena, a highly meritorious athlete, but unknown to the general public, as he often did in The Resistancewhen I opted for profiles that were not mainstream. He has asked you the questions about money in the bank and sex in the last month. Opposite him, on Antena 3, Pablo Motos had Victoria Federica.
