Mediaset speaks out on the future of Pepe Ribagorda, Telecinco News section: “It’s time to sit down with him”

The arrival of María Casado to Mediaset to present the weekend news with David Cantero, thus re-establishing the legendary couple they formed on TVE, has displaced Pepe RibagordaThe historic presenter, who had been on the air for 18 years without interruption, will stop appearing on screen. At least for now.

Ribagorda will not be relocated to any of the other editions of Informativos Telecinco, but the channel is counting on him. His fate, however, is yet to be decided.

“Nobody is superfluous and everyone would be assigned to their own position. We all have temporary missions, because in television there is nothing for life. Nor would it be good,” said Francisco Moreno. during the presentation of Casado’s signing. “Pepe has cultivated a specific professional profile and is a great journalist for whom I have great personal and professional respect. He will have his place like everyone else, because we cannot allow anyone to be idle.“.

Although the intention is to keep Ribagorda active, it still has no assigned destination. “We need to sit down with him and define the missions he will have to take on from now on.”. Moreno then outlined what could be the future of Ribagorda. “While we are doing linear television, we are keeping an eye on what is happening in the digital world, where we generate a lot of content, and there we also need to contribute content.” “Nobody will be left without doing anything”he insisted.

This same explanation also applies to Carme Chaparro, who was on Matinal in recent months and will not continue. “I say the same thing, nobody is going to be left here doing nothing”.

Other changes in Telecinco News

The change that Informativos Telecinco introduces in the weekend edition is not the only one. The 3:00 p.m. news will continue to have Ángeles Blanco and Isabel Jiménezbut Arancha Morales will be added as a support. Leticia Iglesias will play the same role in Carlos Franganillo’s 9pm newscast. She will also be his substitute when he is not on set. El Matinal is in the hands of Bricio Segovia and Laila Jiménez.
