“Masturbate more”: Dani Martín explodes and leaves a message to those who do not stop “fucking around”

The Spanish music scene has been marked in recent days by the announcement of Daniel Martin to take time away from the stage and the studios. After the commotion generated, he himself clarified that it was not a definitive withdrawal but a see you later.

The former vocalist of El Canto del Loco has written this Tuesday a deep reflection about his current situation. “The most beautiful thing of all, what I do believe in and feel the most, with respect to this profession, is a clown. Show what you feel, how you feel: small, surprised. The need to take time so that you can miss except what you like the most”.

He has also made this decision with his audience in mind: “So that those who like what you do miss you as well. Recognize who you are as an instrument player, be honest with yourself, know your limitations, be aware of what you you like to eat, have anxiety sometimes, not have constant balance”.

Read alsoDani Martín clarifies that he is not retiring from music: “It is a time to rest”

In this sense, he clarifies that he currently does not suffer from mental health problems: “It seems that all this together, for some, is having a mental health problem. For me, it is having the ability to tell how I feel, how I am with myself , what I’m missing, what I don’t care about and, above all, feeling happier every day to be able to share it”.

the singer of Zero He thinks that, in his case, these matters should not be spoken lightly: “I prefer to show my feelings, my fears, my mistakes, my achievements as a person… I have been treated at the psychiatrist for two and a half years and I assure you that I am in my prime. You have to be careful when we talk lightly about mental health and jump to conclusions from the courage to tell the truth about how we are.”

Finally, he leaves a message for the haters: “I don’t need to make a call to attention saying that I’m leaving music: I just announced a ‘see you later’. Health and love, and for those who are frustrated, screwed , full of ambition: Masturbate more, go to the theater, hug your loved ones and stop fucking around. Health and love”, he has sentenced.