The girlfriend of Antonio David Flores does not stop After the hints in networks to your own boss, Borja Pradoafter the president of Mediaset seated him on the bench without making direct for naming him in a confrontation he had with Cristina Porta in Save me, Martha I can has gone for Rocio Carrasco.
“For some time, mental health has only been valid for some women. For others, on the other hand, public ridicule. At least now. Soon, the good will be the bad and vice versa. You will live it. We will live it. While the victims are not in this photo nor are they the ones writing,” the journalist wrote in her stories with an image that I had published Isabel Rabago with the daughter of Rocio Jurado.

Then, it was more: “People are so afraid to speak, nobody speaks out of fear and nobody questions out of fear. But what a pity that you are missing such extraordinary and wonderful people, while everyone acts as if nothing happened. What a pity that miss such an immense heart. And what a pity that people pretend to understand it only out of fear.”
Far from leaving it there, the reporter from Fiesta questioned the role of mother of the woman of Fidel Albiacespecially his relationship with his son david flores: “It is shameful that this attitude is applauded while his family, without purchasing power or similar to the one you have achieved through a documentary, continues to fight for him to get ahead.”

“I’m going to tell you something: in my work it was said not to question her role as the mother of a ‘special needs’ child. The reason? It was one of the most difficult fringes, not to say impossible to justify”, Add. “He has attacked hard with the people who have raised him and any attack with the person he is with every day has been applauded. With the person who feeds him, who takes him to school… Now that I have so many days with him and I can’t sleep because of everything that has happened to me at work… he encourages me day and night while I ask myself: is nobody going to ask the big question?, why are we the bad guys? rest? Why are people shot when we make them happy? Where were you on those Christmases, on those birthdays, in those conversations? Why is it forbidden to talk about this?” questions Riesco.