Marta Riesco mounts ‘El club de las otros’ and compares herself with Clara Chía, Ana Soria and Ainhoa ​​Armentia

Tired of being compared to Olga Moreno and they call her ‘the lover’, Marta I can has claimed his place in the life of Antonio David Flores and has set up a cuchipandi with Ana Soria, Clara Chia And till Ainhoa ​​Armentia: they are not ‘the others’ but ‘the new ones’.

Read also – Marta Riesco mercilessly attacks Olga Moreno: “She is not a lady”

“There are comparisons on Twitter where they marry a photo of you that is embarrassing and where the other is spectacular, and they tag my partner and say: but how could you go with this one? Well, he is with the person he wants to be with, in the same way that Pique o Henry Ponce they’re with the people they want to be with,” he says. “Enough of burdening the woman they’ve fallen in love with. Enough of missing them. There are no middle women or low class women. There are only women with whom they have fallen in love. You have to respect the decision they have chosen. If they have chosen to be with Clara Chía or Ana Soria or, in this case, with me, something has been done well so that this person wants to be with me.

Riesco stands up for his new colleagues: “I have seen articles by Clara Chía that have embarrassed me, or about Ainhoa ​​Armentia. People carry so much with ‘the new one’ that they forget that ‘the new one’ can be you, your daughter or your sister. If you judge and want to make comparisons, make comparisons in everything”.

The journalist is very hurt by all the criticism she receives on a daily basis: “I don’t want to compare myself. I ask you to look at what I have done. At the time they related me to him (Antonio David Flores), I had it very easy if I wanted to go down the path of talking about my private life. But it’s not the path I chose.” And he adds: “There comes a day when you get tired because you think: If they are thinking that about me, why aren’t they making the same evaluation of the other person? Why is that said to me and the other person is putting it As an example and telling my partner how he stayed with one and left the other? Do you know how painful that is for a woman?
