Marta Riesco causes a ruckus at the national team hotel and the police have to intervene to remove her from the players

Martha Riesco Spain caused a stir again this Monday during the celebrations of the Euro Cup that Spain won after beating England 2-1. The reporter of As if we were Shhh He went to the hotel in the center of Madrid where the players were staying and caused an awkward situation that forced the police to intervene.

Martha Riesco I reported for Canal Quickie from a fairly privileged position, a few meters from the hotel where the National Team was staying and next to the bus that was going to take them to the Zarzuela Palace first and then to La Moncloa.

Riesco reported on the atmosphere at that point and told some details related to the players’ stay at the hotel. When they left the building to get on the bus, the reporter broke the imaginary security cordon and He approached almost to the door of the vehicle to try to ask some questions to the heroes of the Euro Cup.

At that moment, two security personnel approached her to prevent her from moving forward and Several National Police officers had to intervene to ask her to move away from the bus. Riesco obeyed without problem, left that point escorted by three police officers and returned to the original position from which she continued working and reporting for As if we were Shhh.
