Hard moments to martha lopez because as she has announced destroyed through her social networks, her father, Teyo Lopez, passed away this Tuesday after a long illness. “I’m trying to be strong, but I don’t like goodbyes. Have a good trip, dad”, has been the brief message that he has published, with a black and white image of his father doing military service, to share with his followers around at 3 in the morning the heartbreaking loss that has left her plunged into utter desolation.
The collaborator’s father had been in very poor health for several years and it was common for Marta to travel to León whenever her schedule allowed her to take care of her father, with whom she had a very special bond, during the periods she has spent in the hospital in recent times.
Read also– Marta López, at a bad time: breaks up with her police boyfriend after almost a year of relationship
In addition, on more than one occasion he sent loving messages from both it’s already noon as since Save meconvinced that her father would overcome this bump and they would enjoy life together again: “Dad, you are watching us from the hospital. I love you very much, champion, a little kiss,” she told him a few months ago.

A sad piece of news to which both her followers and numerous well-known faces have not been slow to react, who have wanted to send all their support to Marta after this heartbreaking loss; Tamara Beanie, Manu Tenorio, Omar Montes, gem lopez, makoke, romeira love, omar sanchez o Victor Sandovalamong others, have commented on the publication with which the collaborator wanted to say her last public goodbye to her father.