Marta Huerta will whistle the Sweden-Switzerland

Marta Huerta de Aza continues to make history after last July 6 she became the first collegiate to participate in a European Championship female and also debuting in the opening match between England, the host team, and Austria. Match where she was accompanied by the First Division assistant, Guadalupe Girls and two First Division referees, the Murcian international Sanchez Martinez as VARs and Stable Fernandez in AVAR functions.

Well, the Palentina collegiate based in the Canarian school already knows her second game as field referee and the third of the tournament that is held in England.

It will be tomorrow Wednesday when the whistle Sweden- Switzerland of the third day of group C that takes place from 6:00 p.m. in the stadium of Bramall Lane of Sheffield. The Spanish collegiate will once again be accompanied by Guadalupe Porras as an assistant along with the Italian Francesca di Monte. Sanchez Martinez and Cuadra Fernandez will repeat in the room WAS. It will be the third game of the two Spanish referees playing this role.

a match between Sweden and Switzerland where yesterday it was known that eight of the 23 of the Swiss team have an outbreak of gastroenteritis. It is the second match in Group C where all four teams are currently level on one point.

It will be the third appointment, the second as main referee, given that yesterday, Monday, he acted as fourth in the Austria-Northern Ireland of the same group A that was played at the St. Mary’s Stadium in Southampton.

Match called by the referee of the Venezuelan Emir Calderas, within the cooperation agreement that exists between the UEFA y CONMEBOL. Agreement that began last summer with the European Championship male and now continues in the female section. Precisely the Venezuelan will be the fourth collegiate tomorrow along with the Spanish.

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