Marisa Jara she has lost the baby she was expecting with her boyfriend, Miguel Almansafor next summer. The sad news occurred precisely at the height of Christmas, and very few weeks after the happy news of his pregnancy was made public, at the beginning of this same month of December.
Precisely, this upset overshadows the first happy Christmas, which Marisa and Miguel were finally going to spend with their baby, Tomás, born this same year. As he publishes Lectures, the model was excited when she was able to announce that only eight months after giving birth to her first child, she was returning to this pregnancy. Who was going to tell her in her hardest moments, when the doctors assured her that she could not be a mother because of her cancer problems.

“They told me that I could not be a mother, it was a total surprise. Tomasito is an in vitro baby, who is eight months old today, and now I am going to be a mother naturally,” she declared less than a month ago.
Read also– “I have been operated on 19 times for endometriosis”: Marisa Jara’s tireless struggle to become a mother
As will be remembered, the Sevillian and her sentimental partner, the real estate consultant Miguel Almansa, jumped for joy when they heard the news: “I am two months and two weeks old. I thought it was strange that my period did not come, but I thought it was because I still had irregularities or because of my endometriosis problem. [del embarazo] and we couldn’t believe it! We cry! Oh, the one we both messed with!”

The model became a first-time mother in April, at age 42. Gone are the hardest stages of her life. In 2018, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. So, Marisa had to interrupt the hormonal process and leave her sleep in stand-by. In April 2021, after a review, he was diagnosed with a 15-centimeter fibroid in the uterus that, again, hindered his wishes.
We hope that both Marisa and her family overcome this setback and enjoy their little Tomás, who now more than ever will be the best therapy to help his mother smile again.