Mario Vargas Llosa’s bank accounts: from his huge apartment in the center of Madrid to his literary business

It is not surprising that Mario Vargas LlosaNobel Prize winner in Literature and former Isabel Preysler, enjoy a good economic situation. However, his situation has gone through ups and downs: dating the Filipina cost him a divorce with his ex-wife, Patricia Llosa, and, therefore, the distribution of assets and properties.

As published Readingsthe writer’s most expensive property is a huge apartment very close to Madrid’s Puerta del Sol. It is spread over a total of 283 square meters and has a 29 square meter terrace. However, there is a Treasury embargo on that property that is pending resolution.

On the other hand, the author of books such as The City and the Dogs or The Bosses has Misti Copyright SL, a company dedicated to “the acquisition, registration, possession, enjoyment, management, exercise, administration and exploitation of copyright on the literary work or any kind created by Mr. Jorge Mario Vargas Llosa.” According to information from the aforementioned media, in the fiscal year published in 2018 the company recorded losses of 27,000 euros.

The real estate properties that Vargas Llosa had in Lima (Peru), New York and Punta Cana, became his ex-wife’s after the divorce. He also maintains an apartment in France.

He still has to resolve the lawsuit he has had with the Treasury for five years, when the Spanish Tax Agency claimed 2.1 million euros for alleged tax irregularities between 2011 and 2014.