Mario Vargas Llosa, overwhelmed by the Preysler storm, flees from the press: “Please!”

These are not easy days for Mario Vargas Llosa, who after his break with the queen of hearts settled in his apartment in the center of Madrid. The writer, who never felt entirely comfortable with the expectation aroused by each of the public appearances of Isabella Preyslerfeels overwhelmed by media pressure.

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So much so that the constant presence of paparazzi at the doors of his home is not taking well. Without going any further, this Tuesday he has entered her house at great speed, snapping several “Please, please!”. Just as quickly he has left to get in the car and go to another place. She was only somewhat more open last Sunday, when she assured before the microphones that the reasons that had been told for the break were not true.

Despite the fact that he does not intend to make statements about the end of his relationship with Tamara Falcó’s mother, the rumors do not stop happening and it is said that the environment of both would be leaking information to different media to leave the other in a bad place .

On Isabel’s part, her entourage insists that unfounded jealousy was the reason for the breakup, and different discussions between the couple motivated by the supposed possessive and controlling character of the writer have been described in detail. The last one, the one that occurred on the night of November 30, when, according to Beatriz Cortázar, Vargas Llosa reproached the socialite for having arrived late from a party that she attended accompanied by her daughter Ana Boyer. “What time are these! You are taking too many liberties” the Nobel prize would have thrown in his face.

The next morning, the Nobel Prize winner left Isabel’s house and settled in her bachelor pad. Something that caused Preysler to end the relationship with a handwritten letter in which he informed her until then boyfriend that her residence was not a hotel, that his was over and not to come back. On Mario’s part, it is insisted that his worlds were radically opposite. While she only cared about the show, he was moved by culture.

Read alsoVargas Llosa’s meeting with his ex-wife shortly before his relationship with Preysler was blown up: the photo of revenge

In addition, in recent days it has been speculated that the writer could be sorry for having left his wife for 50 years, Patricia Llosaby Isabel, and could have had a rapprochement with her in recent times.

Coinciding with these rumors, the son of the Nobel, Alvaro Vargas Llosa, has published some images on his social networks last September in which his parents are seen as very complicit during a family visit to Peru that have sparked all the speculation. Did Isabel and Mario break up months before we thought? Had they already broken up when the writer met his ex-wife? Is there a chance that he will resume his marriage with the mother of his children?