Mario Vaquerizo announces that he will no longer talk about politics: “I’m just an entertainer”

The strong opinions of Mario Vaquerizo on politics they have put him on more than one occasion in the target of criticism. The last time, when talking about the Franco dictatorship on a television program like this: “We have gone back a lot. My family has lived through a dictatorship and now I feel identified. You cannot say what you think. We are supposed to have advanced a lot.”

This Thursday, during the photocall prior to the Kraftwerk concert in Madrid, the husband of Alaska has confessed to the microphones of Europa Press that he will no longer comment on politics publicly.

”I didn’t know that my opinion was so important to people. I am happy with democracy and happy with being able to exercise the right to vote. What I think I will not say, I am not a political leader,” said the member of Las Nancys Rubias.

”I am just an entertainer, a media worker, I come to entertain, I come to be an orchestra, I come to sing the songs of others that I like and I come to make people’s lives happier. I would not ask Bowie and Andy Warhol if he is happy with Kennedy or with Churchill,” Vaquerizo settled.

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