Mario Suárez is positive for coronavirus. This was announced this Monday by the same player through his social networks, after his absence in the Rayo medical tests. The midfielder and one of the captains of the Strip explained in a video: “I wanted to tell you that, for a few days, I have been positive for COVID-19 and that I feel fine, I do not have any symptoms and I am isolated“.

In addition, Mario Suárez confirmed that both his wife, Malena Costa, and his children are doing well. “Now what I have to do is wait for the doctors' instructions to take another test again and to be able to lead a normal life as soon as possible. It's a chore because I had an appointment to get vaccinated yesterday — Sunday the 11th — but they are things that happen. I send you a big hug and take good care of you, “said the pivot.
Mario Suárez, what Last season he played 1,008 minutes in the League divided into 29 games -11 of them as a starter- and scored two goals (Mirandés and Alcorcón), joins the list of players in the Strip who have passed the coronavirus. The previous season it was already made public by some such as Dimitrievski, Trejo, Mario Hernández or Isi Palazón, although there have been more who have overcome this setback.