María Teresa Campos, the close presenter who revolutionized the mornings and popularized the political debate on television

The first professional steps of María Teresa Campos, who passed away this Tuesday at the age of 82, were in Malaga and on the radio. She first at Cope and then at Radio Cadena Española, where she became director of News at a time – the 70s – in which it was not usual for women to access these positions of responsibility. She later worked at RNE and SER before making the big leap to television.

His debut on TVE was in the program Tonight (1981) as a collaborator and, shortly after, she made her debut as a presenter of The afternoon (1985). But when it gained relevance it was as a result of his work in In the morning, with Jesus Hermida. Campos later stayed with the program and also presented My way y This is her house.

The great milestone of the communicator, however, was Life moves on, a morning magazine that made her the true queen of the mornings between 1991 and 1996. Campos innovated by mixing entertainment, music, debate and information. Her success was so great that in 1996 she received a million-dollar offer from Telecinco to join the network as her great star. that’s how he was born Day to day.

María Teresa Campos broke all audience records in what were truly her golden years, a period that lasted until 2004. It was then that she made the most of that close, everyday and complicit style that very few presenters have and that allowed her to connect with the viewer the first time. She was the ‘queen of the mornings’ and that title will always be with her. It was also then that she fully developed her commitment to the now-so-popular morning political debates. In other words, without María Teresa now there would be no Red Hot and other such discussions.

Transfer to Antena 3 and return to Telecinco after signing peace with Vasile

Another offer, in this case from Antena 3, made María Teresa Campos change channels again while Ana Rosa Quintana took the opposite path and went to Telecinco. Premiere Every day and then WHAT INTERESTSbut the hearing in this case did not accompany and the presenter lived through an ordeal that lasted for two years.

Problems began to multiply the location for María Teresa and her family at that time. She was out of Antena 3, without a television program, and Telecinco attacked the presenter from here is tomato, many times through Terelu Campos. The doors of that chain seemed to be closed to her, until in 2007 she signed peace with Paolo Vasile. the maze of memory, The critical look y What a happy time They were the formats that he presented in that second stage at Mediaset. She also had her own reality show, the fields, with their daughters Terelu and Carmen Borrego. The last thing he did was the mobile fields, a program that only had one broadcast. She was pending a farewell on Telecinco, one last project, at the height of what she was.