María Teresa Campos increasingly isolated: she does not pick up the phone and does not leave the house

Maria Teresa Campos It worries everyone around them, family and friends, a lot, because they have isolated themselves. The journalist does not leave her house and does not pick up the phone from anyone, except her closest family and a couple of good close friends. The isolation has been verified during these Christmas dates, in which she has not been seen at all.

The veteran informer has not gone Christmas shopping, and has not appeared to toast on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve with her daughters, carmen borrego y Have him, at the door of his house, as was the tradition. Those closest to her assure that María Teresa “is fine”, with “her things of hers” but that she “is out of the loop and doesn’t want anything.”

The 81-year-old journalist has restricted calls and does not answer the phone. In addition, she spends practically all her time at her house, where only her family and her driver and friend go, Gustavowhom he considers almost like a son.

María Teresa is completely away from the media and only answers the phone calls of two very close friends and her family. In addition to her battered state of mind, due to the lack of professional projects in which to get involved, she is joined by sadness for the family situation generated by the estrangement of her daughter, Carmen Borrego, and her grandson, Jose Maria Almoguerawho have not spoken for three months.

Read also: María Teresa Campos pleads for peace between her daughter, Carmen Borrego, and her grandson

The matriarch had planned to gather her closest relatives at Christmas Eve dinner, but disagreements have prevented it. Carmen Borrego has not reconciled with her son or with her daughter-in-law, Paola, that she is pregnant. It hurts María Teresa to think that she will not be able to meet her first great-grandchild if the situation continues to run aground.

Although her daughters and grandchildren keep an eye on her, professionals and colleagues, such as Yusan Acha Colddirector of What a happy time, affirm that although it is obvious that the age and the logical ailments of the journalist affect, “above all, she is bored. She has always had a lot of activity and now being at home with nothing to do leaves her bored and sad. And without desire you are welcome”.