Holidays in Santander Maria Pombo y paul castellano have been interrupted by a setback. His eldest son, Martínhas suffered an accident in a fairground attraction that has forced them to take him to the hospital.
The two-year-old boy fractured two of the main bones in his arm, the ulna and the radius, as the influencer herself has told through her Instagram account, where she has 3 million followers.
“This is how our afternoon began yesterday (playing on the mats) and ended with a visit to the Valdecilla hospital much sooner than I could imagine. At only two years old his first break (and I hope the last) Ulna and Radius I haven’t heard your name since school. On August 6, with the whole summer ahead, plaster for 4 to 6 weeks,” lamented María.

In addition, she has explained how she has experienced it from her position as a mother: “I confess that although I know that this is nothing ‘serious’, yesterday was the first time I felt heartache when I saw my poor baby crying inconsolably, screaming ‘ Mommy helps ‘without being able to do absolutely nothing to alleviate her pain. Now I understand the reality of how much you suffer for a child. I still have to cry all the tension from yesterday.”

Pombo accompanied his words with several photos, the first in which his eldest son is seen playing in the inflatables and the others from his time at the hospital. In the comments of the publication, the content creator has been highly criticized for showing those moments of her son. “Where is the privacy of this poor creature?”; “And you have to publish the intimate pain of a minor. It’s enough for you” or “Respect his privacy”, are some of the messages that her followers have written to him.