“María del Monte will be a collaborator on this program”

“I formally inform you that María del Monte is a collaborator of this program”. This is how it has been announced Onega sleeps This Monday, September 2, she announced her new and surprising signing for the new season: María del Monte. The artist, sitting next to her as an interviewee, added: “I think I’m going to do very well and learn new things”Smiling, he added: “I’m really excited to be on this team.”

The presenter has confessed that the signing of María del Monte has been carried out in the most absolute discretion, to the point that many members of the team have found out this very Monday: “We have kept the secret with the care that it would not be spoiled, in case something happened and I am very happy.”

The singer has made her debut on her new programme with an interview in which she has referred, of course, to the robbery that took place in her house a year ago and of which the police accuse her nephew, Antonio Tejado, as the alleged “mastermind”. A blow that has cost her many tears and also a good chunk of money, although she tries to make a positive interpretation of it: “Even though they have taken things from me, I have the most important thing: health. When you lose something, you realize how much you have left over.”

María has sent some ‘messages’ to her nephew Antonio Tejado this summer from the stage, although she assures that they were not prepared or thought out: “Let the record show that I had nothing prepared. It just came up and came up. I am an ironic person who likes jokes and, fortunately, I am starting to make them again,” she explained when she was reminded of the joke about the watches she made during her concert in Malaga. “I am a person without duplicity and without hidden messages and that is how it is.” Although seeing her nephew go to prison has been a hard blow for her, as has the subsequent breakup with some of her family members over this same event, María is clear that she is a privileged person: “I have no right to complain, nor am I willing to do so to rejoice in my damage, on the contrary. To continue living it is essential to see everything you have and thus realize everything you have left over.”

Happy next to Immaculate Casal, Maria acknowledged that her family has been a great support for her at this time: “I have always been a lucky person. For me, love is the most important thing in the world.” Proud of the people she has around her, the singer added: “I have friends and Inma at my side and all of that helps a lot. What you have to achieve in life is to say how beautiful life is, and how angry it makes me to die.”
