Marcos Alonso warns about the return against Atlético


Atlético de Madrid It is a team that always defends that it goes “game by game.” And the most immediate thing on the horizon has to do with the meeting this Saturday against the Getafe. However, it does not escape anyone that one of the most decisive dates of the season will be played only a few days later.

We refer to the return of the round of 16 of the Champions League, in which the mattress team will have to overcome the 0-1 harvested against the Chelsea on the go.

In the English team there are several Spanish players, who know the potential of the rojiblancos. Hence, they do not consider the matter completely closed.

One of them, frames
Alonso, who has been in the orbit of the rojiblanco team several times, appreciated the game. “When I saw their line-up for the first game, I said they were going to go on offense. Then, with the way they play and the way we play, we force them to defend a little more and take control of possession. It was difficult for them, “said the player, in an interview with the club's official media, regarding the first leg.

“Now, they have to go for the game and I'm sure it will be even more difficult than in the first leg. We cannot have too much confidence. It is very important to bear in mind that only half of the work has been done ”, warned the Spanish international.

For him, the downturn that seems to have given the national football of our country compared to other European leagues is not such and he asks for respect for what has been achieved. “It is a strange season. That is the main reason. We play every three days, without fans, it's a bit weird. If you look at the best teams in SpainThey have great teams, great players. In the last five or ten years, how many finalists in the Champions
League were they Spanish? It cannot change so quickly from one year to the next, ”he explained.