Marcelli: “I have the level to fight with Toni Bou for the victory and fight in the general classification”


The Spanish Repsol Honda Trial Team rider Gabriel Marcelli considers that he has the “level to fight” with his teammate and compatriot Toni Bou “for victory and to fight in the general classification” in 2024 in which he hopes to “win World Championship races both 'indoor' as 'outdoor'”.

“The objectives for 2024 are to win both 'indoor' and 'outdoor' World Cup races, win the Spanish Championship and at the end of the season take the runner-up position in both disciplines. They are ambitious objectives, but I think they are realistic. I have the level to fight with Toni for the victory and winning races, which will make me achieve the goal of runner-up and, why not, maybe some World Cup,” Marcelli highlighted in an interview facilitated this Wednesday by his team.

The Galician is clear that “working” with the award-winning Catalan driver “is easy.” “He is never shy when it comes to giving advice. He is very humble and hardworking, he always wants to train, and if he does it with other drivers, the better. We train a lot together and that helps me a lot to evolve and to be a better driver every year. every year,” he said.

“In the end, having him as a teammate and as your first objective makes you challenge yourself and make you aware that there are steps that are possible. Furthermore, the bike is the same, so I have no excuses not to do what he achieves “Obviously, it is a motivation for me to be his teammate,” he said.

The one from El Rosal believes that in his first year he felt “barely any pressure.” “In 2023, some results were already required of me, and although the season went very well, we want more. For this 2024 I notice that expectations are high and I know that being off the podium in any race is going to be considered a bad result. I would even say that the third places are going to know soon,” he pointed out.

“I am very happy with how the 2023 season ended, in the last races I was very close to victory. It was a very positive season, in which I competed at a very high level and, despite the injury, I managed to be constant and regular Now that I am physically better, I think that in 2024 I can take one more step,” Marcelli commented.

In any case, the Spanish driver believes that one of the things that can improve for 2024 is “the physique.” “I am free of injuries and I can have better preparation with more hours on the bike. Last year I had races that I went to practically without training, so I made mistakes because I was not strong enough. I am aware that, if Hadn't suffered that injury, the position in the overall championship would have changed,” he stated.

“Mentally, something that helps me a lot is going to Galicia and being with my family and my lifelong friends, that helps me a lot to disconnect and recharge my batteries to come back much stronger. Physically, it is true that I have had to undergo an operation on my hand, so I have not been able to prepare as much for this January 2024, but I have time until the championship starts,” remarked the Galician.

Finally, the 23-year-old driver assured that the happiest moment he would like in 2024 is to see him “lifting the medal on the overall podium.” “It is at the moment that the work that is done throughout the season is reflected, where you see everything you have achieved, that is the most satisfying moment of the year,” he concluded.