In the prelude to the transcendental Napoli-Barça in the Europa League, Diego Jr., the son of Maradonawanted to remember his father in an interview for the daily AS. The serious mistake that the family made during the ’10’ stay in Dubai or the bad friendships that contributed to his decline.
But, without a doubt, what he most admired Diego jr. of his father was the magnificent relationship he had with all the players he trained: “He was a great motivator. His best talent, the relationship with the players. He had a barbaric relationship. He did a lot of things for his players. I have not been with any player who was under his command who spoke ill of him. Nobody “, he has assured him.
A way of being that made many want to take advantage of him: “As a person, he had a very big heart, too much. He was a very good person. Too good. That’s why they took advantage of him. It was the complete opposite to what went out”, has commented.

Diego Jr has said goodbye to his father Diego Armando Maradona through social networks.
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Therefore, in his opinion, his closest environment should have prevented him from returning from Dubai: “For me, the moment when we made a mistake is when he left Dubai. He lived a wonderful life in Dubai. He lived in peace, no one broke his balls. I’m not to blame, but we still had to be more firm that it stays there. But it’s over now,” she lamented.

Diego Armando Maradona and his son Diego Armando Maradona jr. before the charity match ‘Partido de la Paz- Unidos por la Paz’
how he regretted the bad influences of the Argentine star: “The only thing that made me suffer from my old man is that he didn’t know how to choose friends. I talked to him a lot when I was alone with him. Many times they didn’t leave him alone. There was always someone who listened to talk. I told him I’m calm because I told her the people that I liked and that I didn’t. But he deeply respected him because life was his and he chose it,” he concluded.