Dalma Maradonathe eldest daughter of the late soccer star Diego Maradona, assured that the shirt that will be auctioned by the bidding house Sotheby’s It is not the one with which his father scored the two goals against England in the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, but the one he used during the first half.
“You have no way of verifying that you have the one for the second half, you’re lying. He doesn’t have the two-goal shirt,” he said. Dalma Maradona in his Radio Metro program about the British Steve Hodge, who claims to have the shirt he wore when he scored the so-called “Goal of the 20th century” and the “Hand of God”.
“There is one from the first half and another from the second. Knowing my dad, you know that he didn’t give that shirt to anyone. This man doesn’t have it. He doesn’t have it. I know for sure,” Dalma Maradona said.
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The daughter of the former world champion said she knows who has the shirt her father wore during the second half, but avoided giving the owner’s name.
Hodge claims years ago to be the owner of the historic shirt, which was exhibited in a museum and will be auctioned from April 20 to May 4 online.
“It’s not that one. I don’t want to say who has it because it’s crazy. This man doesn’t have it. I didn’t confirm it, he said it (Diego Maradona). He told me: ‘How am I going to give him the shirt of my life? Dalma Maradonawho even said he saw the shirt his father used in the second half.
“It’s the truth. It’s an important shirt he has, the one from the first half, but without goals, it’s a shame,” he concluded.