Maradona's commercials go viral

The most prestigious companies usually turn to the renowned celebrities so that these advertise your products through advertising campaigns that are broadcast all over the world. Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar … are some of the footballers who are present in many advertising ‘spots’ in video or image format.

However, before these stars became popular in the world of football, one of the greatest (for many the best) in football also collaborated for major brands: he is none other than Diego Armando Maradona, which a few weeks ago left us at 60 years of age.

The '10' of the albiceleste his image began to explode Worldwide as a result of making the leap to Europe with FC Barcelona. One of the companies that bet heavily on the Argentine was the popular American fast food chain McDonald’s.

In the promotional campaign of its 1984 products, the Argentine star was the main image of the food brand. “See you at the McDonald’s”Said the Argentine star of the albiceleste very young.

A few years earlier, coinciding with the 1982 World Cup in Spain, Coca-Cola and ‘El Pelusa’ joined forces driving the excitement for the sport of the ball. “Coca-Cola-The World Cup smile” read the ad in that one.

One of Maradona's most notorious publicity campaigns was that of the danger of drug use which was broadcast in 1984, in collaboration with ‘La Generalitat de Catalunya’. In it, a young Diego carried out the campaign to raise awareness among the youngest. “If they offer you drugs, just say no”, stated the '10'.