Manuel Díaz El Cordobés, urgently operated on in the Huesca square after being seriously caught with a somersault

Manuel Diaz El Cordobes He suffered a serious injury this Saturday, August 12, at the Basil Fair in Huesca, which mainly affected his right thigh and the wrist of his left hand. The bullfighter, who announced that he would retire from the bullring at the end of this season, had to undergo emergency surgery in the bullring itself.

As soon as he started his first job of the afternoon, the right-hander suffered a goring to his right thigh. The bull from the Salvador Domecq ranch flipped him through the air. The anguish in the square has been even greater because the catch has occurred in front of the tables. El Cordobés shared a bullfight with the fandi y Joselito Ademewho replaced Cayetano Rivera after his second catch in a few days.

Once the operation was completed, Dr. Enrique Crespo issued the medical report: “Wound by a bull’s horn in the right Scarpa Triangle with an upper and external trajectory and another inferior-internal trajectory covering a length of 20 cm without muscle injury. Blunt injury to the 2nd finger of the left hand with an open and comminuted fracture of the middle phalanx with severe attrition of soft tissues, injury to the radial collateral artery and the A-2 pulley. Grave prognosis”.

After the intervention in the infirmary, Alba Díaz’s father has been transferred to the San Jorge de Huesca Hospital, where he is out of danger.

Hours before, the consistory has paid tribute to him in an institutional act due to his last season in the arena. Lorena Orduna, the mayoress of Huesca, has pointed out that “he is a bullfighter very loved by the people of Huesca, who has always come to participate in the Basil Fair. The government team decided that he deserved this tribute and he has accepted it”. .

The last few months have been very special for Vicky Martín Berrocal’s ex. He not only announced his withdrawal from the arena in November of last year, but in February of this 2023 she removed the great thorn in her life after making the reconciliation with his father official and publicly sealing. At the age of 55, El Cordobés Sr. finally recognized him as his son and opted to recover all the lost time. Virginia Troconis, the wife of Manuel Díaz, played a fundamental role in the exciting encounter between father and son. On March 18, Manuel fought for the first time with his father in the stands. The bullfight was held in Morón de la Frontera.