The man with the bass drum is Spanish heritage. The historic fan has traveled half the world behind the Spanish team and also supporting the Valencia Club de Fútbol, his other great passion. All this led him to set up a bar on the outskirts of Mestalla, a place that had become a football museum and to which many black and white football fans and tourists flocked. But the coronavirus crisis and the measure to close bars to alleviate the disease have dealt a severe blow to the Spanish economy..
This has been explained on the station CV Radio, where clearly dejected has explained that “no income because the bar is closed, € 800 pension and 420 mortgage” is in a “very bad” financial situation. Despite the fact that the bar was already on sale, it continued to operate normally until the pandemic reached our lives and had to be closed. “I have lost a lot of money in recent months for not being able to open” has related.
All that despair has led Manolo to say tearfully what he never thought he would say: “I am going to have to sell the bass drum to be able to eat, I have always said that I would never sell it but sometimes I have been offered money for it and I could auction it … I don't know what I will do.” The instrument has accompanied Manolo for almost his entire life and only when it was stolen did he momentarily separate from it, since within hours it was recovered.
For all these reasons, Manolo has not hesitated to ask for help from anyone willing to do their bit. “Please, I ask everyone for help: press, amateur teams …” has commented. And the fact is that still it is not clear if the bar will reopen when the measures are smoothed since “with the games behind closed doors I don't know if I can open it”. And it is that the bulk of Manolo's clientele were Valencianists who concentrated in his bar before, during and after Valencia matches.